The JOWA Ag-S Silver steriliser for yachts and ships to prevent the growth of virus and bacteria in watertanks by the use of Silver Ions. With a capacity of 15 m3/h suitable for most situations.
We have choosen Kinetico MACH series softeners for use on board. Fully water driven, sturdy and reliable.
UV-C sterilizers for the desinfection of drinking water aboard of ships. yachts and cruise ships. The systems can also be used a port of entry to stop legionella in your piping system.
RO System for ultra clean water for spotless yacht cleaning without the need for dry the surface. Spotless rinsing and cleaning.
Sewage treatment plants according to IMO regulations for the treatment of grey, black and galley water.
Grounded in 2003 as a global supplier of wellness aboard of yachts. We developed as a specialist in the field of watertreatment. We develop fresh water systems for safe drinking water aboard of yachts, ships and cruiseships. Safe, relilable and affordable as well as systems for waste and proces water.
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